Witch-ing you all a safe-truck-cular Halloween!

Thursday is going to be a busy night for a lot of us, so we thought we’d share a few safety tips for those on the road!

For those behind the wheel:

  1. Expect the unexpected. The chance of a collision increases when there are lots of kids on the streets.
  2. Drive slowly, and don’t overtake vehicles that have stopped.
  3. Communicate with other drivers and always use your turn signals. If you must pull over and stop, turn on your hazard lights.
  4. Yield to pedestrians: our young ghosts, goblins, princesses and superheroes may be so excited that they forget some basic safety rules when crossing the street.
  5. Avoid distractions – it only takes a second for a child to jump in front of your vehicle.
  6. Anticipate more foot traffic on Halloween night, so give yourself extra time to get where you need to go.


We’ve got the road safety covered – now a few tips for the trick-or treaters:

  1. Try to choose a costume that is bright or reflective.
  2. Don’t forget to look both ways when crossing streets and only cross at corners and crosswalks.
  3. Brighten up: please make sure you have flashlights and/or glow sticks to increase visibility.


Lastly, we know a few animal owners, so here’s a few tips for you:

  1. Keep human treats out of your pets reach – candy is not good for animals, particularly chocolate.
  2. Be mindful that dressing your pet in a costume may make them uncomfortable or inhibit their ability to communicate. This may cause dogs to display fearful or worst aggressive behaviour.
  3. Leave domestic animals inside so they have fewer opportunities to interact with trick-or-treaters. Fireworks and costumes can be terrifying for pets, potentially causing them to run away from home.


Happy Halloween!!