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At Phoenix, our crane lifts no matter the size, are executed with a detailed plan, high safety standards, and talented operators; and our lift last Friday demonstrated all of this.
Phoenix Truck & Crane was tasked to lift a life-size (10 foot high) bronze moose, and with precise, meticulous work by our operator, the job was completed just as a wind storm was approaching.
Our 45 Ton Peterbilt stiff boom was up for this challenge and with the help of the artist, Tom Hjorleifson, his wife and the contracted crew, the 1,300 pound piece of art safely reached its final destination, the courtyard of a high-rise condo in West Vancouver.
Traveling all the way from Alberta, the moose had more than its share of adventures, but the warm welcome from neighbours and building residents made it worthwhile. Despite the looming rough weather, spectators were lining up to see the piece and meet the artist.
Too bad none of us got to see Rocky that day