Multiple Customers, Multiple Lifts, Multiple Days Onsite


The final stages are being completed on the Joseph and Rosalie Segal Family Health Centre, a new mental health and addictions center at Vancouver General Hospital set to open this spring.


Phoenix was contracted by three different customers to work on the installation of the mid and upper courtyards of this building. Using our 165 ton crane over a span of a couple weeks, the scope of work consisted of multiple lifts containing windows, soil and pavers – all used for the building of the courtyards as well as the roof. The furthest reach out was 150’, and the operator was required to set-up and reposition the crane to different locations around the building.


In order to best serve Phoenix’s customers, our technical sales rep coordinated one of the days between three companies all working on the site; therefore allowing them to ‘share’ the crane resulting in lower rental costs.